Friday, 31 August 2012

Monster Tasmanian Crab

Here is a crab that is probably the world’s largest.

The Monster Tasmanian Crab has a rather flaccid name ‘Claude’ and was found off the shores of the eponymous island below Australia. The crab was on his way to an industrial-size steamer but was saved by a British aquarium, which purchased him for $4,800.
With a shell that measures 15-inches across, he is expected to gr
ow another 3 inches until he weighs 30 pounds. He must be enough to serve an entire posse that has gone hungry for several days. At the aquarium, Claude is being fed gourmet diced mackerel and squid..

Wall of clouds on Lake Michigan

looked out my window and saw this I'd think a giant tsunami was coming my way. But fear not! It's just some clouds, and they're beautiful too

The Power Fabric

a graduate school student have developed a Power felt which converts wasted body heat into electric current that could be used to charge mobile phones. 

The Power felt can also be used to provide electricity to a radio or a torch in case of an emergency. 
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