Sunday, 2 September 2012

Paris Hilton at Golden Globes 2012

 Paris Hilton look so elegant in that dress while attending a Golden globs 2012.Paris Hilton is a business women and a gorgeous fashion designer.

More pics of Paris Hilton on Golden globs after the page break.

Image Shutter

Here are some of the funny and Amazing pics Randomly selected from the world in mail feed have a look on it.

More Amazing Images On mail feed After Page Break

Paris Hilton Taking Risk

Today, take a risk and do something you wouldn't normally do.

Popular Ubuntu Wallpaper

Here are some Ubuntu popular collection. Ubuntu is a linux based open source Operating system. take a look on Ubuntu's most popular wallpaper.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Segal Ice cream Attack

Here are some images of Segal birds. these are amazing segal birds,the bird who like ice cream. mail feed posted 12 images of segal attack on ice cream, have a look on it.

View more segal attack on ice cream after page break.

The Biggest Crab of Britain "Crabzilla"

This crab is epic. Thank you +Brett Lider for sharing.

As Posted on daily mail 

'Crabzilla' is the Biggest Crab ever seen in bretain, its length is 10 feet and is still Growing with its age.

Rare Blue Moon

Blue moon to appear Friday night, broadcast online by the Slooh Space Camera to honor Neil Armstrong
A blue moon is really the second full moon of the month — it’s not particularly blue, unless it sees you standing alone.
Blue moon, the stuff of song, is not blue, actually. It is the second full moon of the month.
A blue moon will grace the night sky on Friday, August 31.
People with less than ideal viewing conditions can watch the lunar event online. The Slooh Space Camera will broadcast the moon starting at 6 p.m. with a feed from the Prescott Observatory in Arizona and an observatory in the Canary Islands. The broadcast will honor Neil Armstrong, whose funeral is coincidentally the same day, reports TIME .
Despite its colorful name, there's nothing particularly blue about a blue moon. It simply means the second full moon of the month, so don't expect to see a different hue that night.

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